Friday, 1 April 2022

April Noddy

My Noddy (Old English for Fool) is a composite of predominantly The Bonce (Kevin Chesham), The Birdman (David Farrant) and A.A.R. Hill (The Eggman). The latter gave Chesham the sobriquet "The Bonce" while I have always compared Kevin Chesham to The Mekon. He is every bit as mendacious.

Tony (watercolour)

This the second portrait of Tony in that name. I should mention that I have never known Tony by the name "Tony." Most people down the years, however, have known him as "Tony," but those in my circle, and certainly I, from the very beginning when he worked part-time in the darkroom at the studio, knew him by his second name. Both are valid as his given names. He has a total of three.
The soul is regarded as immortal and a non-material human aspect. Therefore, it cannot cast a shadow. Shadow (also known as id, shadow aspect, or shadow archetype) can be either an unconscious aspect of the personality that the conscious ego does not identify in itself, or the entirety of the unconscious; that is, everything of which a person is not fully conscious. 
Tony, Nosferatu-like, casts no discernable shadow. Ultimately he is an enigma. My watercolour attempts to glimpse the truth, as paintings frequently do, but it is disquieting to do so nonetheless.
