Saturday, 1 February 2020

The Artist: †Seán Manchester

This artist, who studied and taught art, is a friend who begged me to never allow myself to be contaminated by the strictures and technique of "learning" how to paint; so much did she admire and appreciate my free expressionism. She described my work as possessing the innocence and eyes of a child. She had no need to worry on that score. I could not be anything other than I am. The portrait in the background, incidentally, is by Laura Harold who is also an artist friend of a great many years.

"People always tell me, they know nothing about art! But you don’t have to be a wine expert to enjoy a glass of wine. Art is for everyone to enjoy." ~ Laura Harold (above)

As well as being a star of stage and screen, Sylvaine Charlet is a prolific artist. We became each others' muse which led to working on film together, recording poetry for radio, and a host of other projects. The painting in monochrome, the original is in colour, is an example of her work.

Art is an internal compulsion to express externally something that is communicated directly from within an innermost region. Like poetry, it cannot be suppressed save at a cost to the artist. All the spectator need do is look at the art, which requires no expertise, and connect, or not as the case may be, to what is before them. The experience is deeply personal. How can it be otherwise?
